Visitor Book

Just a short note to say Bess the dog is still doing very well and is very bright and lively. She can still manage a four mile walk with ease - she will be sixteen in March. Please could you pass on to anyone who knew her as Ginny(Joan) and Paddy Edwards dog. She is very happy and we think they would have been pleased.

Added: December 23, 2009
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A wonderful website. My connection is that supposedly my great,great grandfather, James Sherwill is mentioned as coming from this town.
Are there any Sherwills still there? He left in 1856. Would love to hear any info.

Added: October 12, 2009
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hello, just came across your excellent site. why i am writing is that part of my family come from denbury. they are on my fathers nan who was born in 1884 was formaly a Tully and her mother was sarah ann easterbrook. i saw on the 1912 school photo that there is three little girls named easterbrook and wondered if they could have been relations of mine. could you let me know if there are any decendants.still living in denbury. by the way my early decendants used to farm Holwell Farm. thank you Richard

Added: August 10, 2009
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I have a small collection of Military Memorabilia (mainly wiltshire Regiment) but I do have a Band Sidedrum of the Queens Royal Regt. On the back is a small silver plaque indicating that this Drum was presented to the 70th Batallion, Queens Royal Regiment in November 1941 Rawlinson Barracks Denbury - followed by the name of the Officer who made the presentation....this 'might' be of passing interest to anyone researching the History of the Camp.....

Admin reply: Hello Martin,

Apologies for the delay in replying - been laid up for a week with dreadful chest/stomach virus. Most interested to hear about the Sidedrum. We've had a lot of contact from people from the whole gamut of time from 1939 (opening of Rawlinson Barracks) until 1969 when it was finally abandoned by the military. If you've a digital camera I'd be most appreciative if you could photograph the drum (and also its plaque) against a plain background so it can be included in the feature on Denbury Camp (local name for Rawlinson Barracks) on our website. Thank you so much for taking the trouble to contact us.

Bernie Duggan

Added: January 11, 2009
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Really liked the website. We inherited Bess our border collie from Ginny(Jean) and Paddy Edwards who lived in Denbury. Please tell anyone who knew them that Bess is still going strong and is a very happy, lively and healthy fourteen year old!!She still loves chasing sticks especially large ones

Added: January 7, 2009
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I signed the original Guest Book some while back, having found it through researching my MARTIN family history and finding that they were from Denbury, from 1760s to 1850s. My thanks to Bernie Duggan who provide me with some info.
Then Robert MARTIN (occupation Turner) moved his wife and 3 children to Charlton in Kent (now part of Greater London. Another branch of the MARTINS went to Wolborough and were engravers. One of which exhibited and the Great Exhibition of 1851.
If anyone reads this and is related to the Martins please email me.

Admin reply: Nick Martin's email address available on request.

Added: November 26, 2008
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Excellent site
Really enjoyed it
I served as a boy soldier at denbury
camp in the early 60s never forgot
denbury village

Added: November 3, 2008
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A most enjoyable stay. Thank you! I particularly enjoyed the tours and the "paranormal" page.

Added: October 19, 2008
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I really enjoyed this site, my great great gran was called Amelia Prowse and lived in Denbury. I see there are Prowse's in the tithes and it makes me want to research mote of my past.

Added: September 24, 2008
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Excellent and well put together web site

Added: August 20, 2008
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