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My wifes Grandparents lived at Church Cottage Denbury and we are keen to see any photos which might exist of the cottages. Very few if any seem to be available. They were called Redstone and both are buried in the Churchyard and there is also a seat in their memory. Any help gratefully received. Thanks. Derek

Added: March 4, 2015
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I have a photo of some of my father's classmates taken in Denbury as his family lived there for a short while. His name was Raymond Cyril Knapman b 1929 and was known by his middle name mostly. His parents were Albert and Olive Knapman, they had 5 boys, 3 girls (2 died early) . Albert died in 1940 in Ashburton at a friends house. The photo looks to be around then as my dad looks older than 10.

Added: April 21, 2014
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This is a really good local history website. My father was Leslie Soper and you have photos of that I've never seen before. You also have my paternal grandfather in a photo and as he passed before I was born I've never seen what he looked like. Keep up the good work

Added: February 7, 2014
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Thank you for the excellent website. Just searching villages in Devon as possible places to move to as I want to escape the urbanisation of my current 'village' where mass housing development is taking place. What is the bus service like? Would I be able to get about to doctors and vets etc. without a car (I do not drive). Also I presume there are no housing developments planned for Denbury ?? Do you welcome newcomers ??

Added: January 6, 2014
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Private post. Click to view.

Added: December 18, 2013
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With regard to the darkside reports for 23 east st.I lived there with my parents for 21years leaving in 1965.I can confirm that it is reported that a previous resident committed suicide in the house.but in all those years I have nothing untoward to report.Ilast visited denbury a few months ago and still feel at home walking around the village, and the climb up and over denbury downs brought back boyhood memories.

Added: August 15, 2013
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I will never forget my time at Denbury while serving with the Royal Signals Junior leaders from 1962 - 1964. Many memories spring to mind especially the winter of '63, when we helped the local farmers by taking feed to the animals. It is such a beautiful part of England and would love to visit again. I have to say, that had i not spent those two years in Denbury, then i would not have turned out to be the man that i am. Must add, that the Jolly Sailor in Ogwell Village is also a fond memory.

Added: June 21, 2013
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Several of my fathers relatives lived in or originally came from Denbury and I would be interested in hearing from any who are still in the area.

Fathers name - Edwin Tozer
Grandfather - Henry Pedrick Tozer

Added: February 13, 2013
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Just browsing. Long time since I have looked at the site.
Spent time at Denbury Camp 61/63. I visited the village last year as part of a reunion. Hope the village goes from strengh to strengh.
Jim White

Added: October 25, 2012
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bernie ted morris here how is it possible to view the millennium photigraphs .i have tried on many occassions without sucess hope you can help

Added: January 22, 2012
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