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Denbury Tithe Apportionments

Until the early 19th century, Tithes, (in theory a tenth part of a person's income), went towards the upkeep of the incumbent of the Parish Church. Under the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836, tithes could be commuted to a rent charge and commissioners were appointed to negotiate fair land values with the inhabitants.

In villages like Denbury where the tithes were commuted, a survey of the land was carried out and a large-scale, detailed plan was drawn up showing every house and area of land. Each plot was individually numbered.

The Tithe Map (coming soon to a web site near you) and its accompanying Apportionments give an interesting picture of land use, occupation and ownership - a snapshot of Denbury society in 1839. In them you will find:

Landowners' names
Occupiers' names
Plot No. referring to plan
Name and description of Land and Premises
State of cultivation
Quantities in Statute Measures (Area)
Amount of Rent-Charge apportioned on the several Lands and payable to the Rector

You can download the Apportionments in a choice of formats. See below and choose your flavour.

Apportionments File HTM   Web-Page format
Apportionments File ODS   Open File Format
Apportionments File CSV   Comma-delimited Database for MS Windows
Apportionments File WDB   MS Works Database
Apportionments File XLS   MS Excel Worksheet
Apportionments File CSV   Comma-delimited Database for Mac
Apportionments File TXT   Text File for Mac

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