History File

Denbury Primary School about 1913
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Back Row:
1.Master Cox, 2.Daniel Wrayford, 3.Arnold Soper, 4.Brendan Soper, 5.Leslie Soper, 6.Jack Payne, 7.Freddie Marsh, 8.Joey Lang

Middle Row:
1.Kathleen Miller, 2.Rosie Cox, 3.Rosie Marsh, 4.Fred Tozer, 5.May Heath, 6.Lawrence Payne, 7.Hilda Easterbrook, 8.?? Symonds, 9.Doris Payne

Front Row (sitting):
1.Lottie Wrayford, 2.Louise Wrayford, 3.Elsie Ashford, 4.Stella Easterbrook, 5.Dorothy Easterbrook, 6.Nancy Wrayford, 7.Gladys Winsor, 8.Minnie Heath, 9.Nellie Payne

The 3 Sopers were the Butcher's sons.
Freddie Marsh lived in Marley, The Green
Joey Lang was Nurse Ann Lang's brother
Kathleen Miller lived in the bakery, end house North St
Hilda Easterbrook became Mrs Heywood
?? Symonds lived in the Old School House
Lottie Wrayford became Mrs Vooght
Elsie Ashford became Mrs Pearse
Stella Easterbrook became Mrs Elliot
Dorothy Easterbrook became Mrs Taylor
Nancy Wrayford became Mrs Penellum
Gladys Winsor lived in Ivy Cottage, East St